Dear Parents/Students,
AS you are aware we are in unchartered territory. In light of the current situation we are closing for the recommended period of 2 weeks, March 17-March 30, as recommended by the Who. This is a saddening decision on our part however our first priority is your health and safety.
Our plan going forward will be to resume teaching through online means. We have discussed various types of software such as Skype, Face-Time, Google Duo and Zoom. We will update you further at a later date as to what the exact plan will be. We do plan on keeping your lesson time the same as if we were in person. Online teaching has previously been successful and we are expecting the same results as well. Other studios are following the same protocol, in ways that benefit the students and the teacher.
We will be extending the year by 2 weeks to accommodate this 2 week break.
You have signed up for 35 lessons for this year, and you will be offered those lessons. It may mean that we have to extend our year.
We will continue to update you as this situation unfolds.
Thank you for your patience and understanding. We look forward to making music with you soon.
